Simple answer is YES, anyone can invest in Ireland. It’s a question that I’m often asked by entrepreneurs seeking new opportunities outside their respective country. Of course, anyone can invest in Ireland but how to it is the real question.

With over 1,200 multinational companies now based in Ireland attracted by the country’s proactive business environment, the country has become an established global hub for investment.

IBM, Apple, Pfizer and Intel were amongst the first companies to invest in Ireland, Google, Facebook and Microsoft followed.

Foreign companies are now investing in Health Innovation, Green Energy, Big Data, Engineering, IOT’s, Finance, Cloud Computing, Medical Devices,  Cybersecurity and many other sectors.

These companies have utilised Ireland’s low corporation tax rate of 12.5%, skilled workforce and investment incentives.

Ireland’s cost competitiveness and stable labour market compared to rest of Europe has positioned it as a place to do business. Stable Government, ease of setting up and ways of doing business are all part of the package Ireland has to offer.

When a company decides to invest in Ireland, site visits, staff, legalities and required visas can be facilitated. The company can avail of financial support for training, Research and Development and capital expenditure.

As an English speaking member of the EU, Ireland has access to over 500 million people and thus lends itself to being an area of high growth, investment funds and start ups. Extra support can be given by linking to a local University to provide the necessary skills needed.

In India as a consultant, I see so many similarities with Ireland such as Start Up’s, Tech, Pharma, Medical Devices, Education etc. I have a desire to see businesses invest in Ireland and jobs created from the assistance given by One Click Consulting.


David Fallon is the CEO and founder of One Click Consulting and Optimise Education Abroad which promotes links between Ireland and India.